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Hey everyone and welcome, to T.R.R.I.-TEC’s first ever community page/setting…well…EVER!! lol unless you count Discord :) My name is Michael “Twy7cH” D. This entire Biz/Community/Hangout/Spot is just that, and MORE! Here is where all of like-minded individuals i.e. Guitarists/Musicians, Techies/Luthiers, Gear Geeks(Music equip), Instrument modifiers, IT-Techies(and Repairsman), Custom PC Builders/Modifiers, PC Gamers, Metal Heads, Misfits, ETC!! Basically, a community for all of us Super Fans that took it to the Geeky/Nerd level and are cool with it! I created T.R.R.I-TEC roughly 5 yrs when I combined my absolute love & passion, of being a Studio/Live Guitarist/Musician (over 20 yrs!) and combined it w/ my other love….Computers/Electronics:) I built and owned my first PC back in ‘98(Win 95 & MS-DOS baby!) back when everything was good ol’ dial-up(sarcasm) and really got into all the different aspects of gaming w/ the original Diablo (3 characters only lol), Warcraft 2, Starcraft, and the last two titans of PC gaming in that era….Command & Conquer and Counter Strike(waayyyyy before it was CS:GO) of course that lifestyle (PC nerding) made me more of an outsider than I already was, but the Heavy Metal helped too haha. So, instead of just picking one or the other a few yrs ago to make a repair business, I decided “why not combine it all together?!?! noone has done that!” and let me tell you, it’s been AWESOME! Now, i’m branching out and wanting to meet more people, as well as help out (hang out too) with any/all questions relating to these subjects :) Never know, we all might end up gaming together, solving repair questions, jamming (remotely) etc. The skys the limit in this COMMUNITY! don’t be shy, give it a TRRI!

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography-unless it’s good lol j/k
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming.Seriously, we’re all here to have a great time and learn as well. No Jerks!
  • Relax, BE YOURSELF, and enjoy!!!

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